Teaching teenagers hope and perseverance: wisdom from immigrant faith communities
Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, Marcos Canales, and Elizabeth Tamez Méndez share stories, and practical wisdom on teaching teenagers about hope and perseverance. Your students face lots of challenges, and we know you and other caring adults in your ministry want to be there for them. Join this empowering conversation on cultivating hope and perseverance with your students.
Episode 1 / Jul 5, 2023
Show Notes
Mentioned in this episode:
New Generation 3
Curriculum: JUNTOS (Together) in English
Estudio Biblico: JUNTOS en español
Association for Hispanic Theological Education (AETH)
La Fuente Ministries
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Related FYI resources:
Blog: The character of discipleship
Blog: Testimonios: The power of stories shared in community