Church Leaders

Whether you serve as a senior pastor, associate pastor, elder/board member, or some other role in your church – we believe you can play an active and vital role in forming the faith of teenagers and young adults.

Please don’t believe the common misconception that you need to be young to effectively minister with and to young people. Our guess is you don’t, and that’s why you’ve landed here.

What do you need to know to support the faith development of young people in your church?

We’re glad you asked!

Our approach to this question is different than some other “youth ministry” organizations you may have encountered. Our work is not primarily focused on fun and games. Instead, we turn academic research into practical resources, equipping leaders and parents to help faithful young people change our world.
FYI’s research in Sticky Faith reveals that some of the most important things a church can do to help a teenager’s faith “stick” include helping teenagers understand and articulate the gospel, intergenerational worship and relationships, and partnering with parents in the faith development of their children. All of these areas relate to youth ministry, but rarely can they be carried out by a youth pastor alone.
FYI’s research in Growing Young reveals that the best way to involve, retain, and form young people in the church is not the result of a single program or strategy. Instead, churches thrive when they create an overall culture – in every area of the church – that supports young people. The better news is that a culture that forms young people in the image of Jesus isn’t just good for young people – it can be good for every generation in the whole church.
We believe your role as a senior leader is creating an overall church environment in which the sort of culture described above can develop and thrive. You don’t need to do all the work of youth ministry yourself, but you can create an environment where it can thrive – and you can partner with your youth leader or youth ministry volunteers and position them to thrive in the church’s ministry with young people.

Learn about Sticky Faith    Learn about Growing Young    Learn about Our Work

Here are some helpful resources…

Connecting with college students over break: they’re bringing home more than their laundry

Read Post

Does focusing on young people mean neglecting older generations?

Read Post

3 steps toward breaking down ministry silos

Read Post

Older and Younger Leaders: Forging a New Relational Vision

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Intergen Sundays

Read Post

10 Tips for Starting a Sticky Faith Youth Ministry from Scratch

Read Post

Recommended church leader resources:


Growing Young Book
Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church
Learn More


Young Adult Ministry Now
Young Adult Ministry Now
Bring your vision for young adult ministry to life.
Learn More


3 Big Questions that Change Every Teenager
3 Big Questions that Change Every Teenager: Making the Most of Conversations and Connections
Learn More

Host an FYI Speaker

FYI has a national speaking team on topics such as Growing Young, Growing With, Sticky Faith, multicultural youth ministry, and navigating our digital world. Consider hosting an FYI speaker for a national conference or training event, breakout session, or with a smaller group of senior leaders in your denomination or network.

Learn More

Fuller Youth Institute Coaching and Consulting

Our team specializes in leading groundbreaking research projects, staying in touch with the latest research on young people and the church nationally, creating innovative training and resources, and learning from the best practices of effective and vibrant churches nationally. Leverage our experience and learning for one-on-one coaching sessions with you or your ministry.

Learn More

Customized Webinar Training

Hosting a customized training webinar with an FYI author or team member for leaders/influencers within your denomination or network. FYI webinars can last 45-90 minutes and can be standalone or as part of a longer series. Topics can be adapted to meet your needs. 

Contact Us

Contact Andy Jung for more information.

Digital Training Courses

Develop your ministry with our self-paced online modules

Choose from a variety of self-paced online trainings that will guide you and your team to engage younger generations in a way that breathes life and energy into the whole church.

Learn about digital courses

The Growing Young Assessment

The Growing Young Assessment is a 60-question academically-validated survey tool that provides vital insights about your church’s effectiveness with young people. It harnesses the collective insights of an entire congregation to provide you with a true picture of reality.

The assessment is designed to be used by individuals or whole churches. The assessment scores from various individuals or churches in your tribe can also be combined to provide a meta-report of themes or trends, which can inform future training or resourcing for your denomination or network. Discounts are available for bulk purchases of the assessment.

See Sample Report      Learn More

Not sure if these resources are the best fit for you? 
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