Young Adult Ministry Now

New research. New resources. New relationships.

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Churches need young adult ministry now
because the Church needs young adults—now.

Do you long to connect the passions of young adults with the resources of your church?
Feeling stuck trying to support young adults in a church that cares but often misunderstands them?
Need new, reliable steps to take as you accompany young adults on their spiritual journeys?

These resources are for you.

Building on over a dozen years of research working intensively with over 40 congregations, 80 ministry leaders, and 80 young adults, Young Adult Ministry Now unites fresh wisdom on ministry innovation with FYI’s landmark Growing Young insights to give you new ministry tools you can count on.

Download a FREE chapter of the ebook

A practical ministry guide you can count on

You need young adult ministry now because young adults need you—now.

Bring your vision for young adult ministry to life.

Young Adult Ministry Now
unites fresh wisdom on ministry innovation with FYI’s landmark Growing Young insights to give you a ministry guide you can count on. We’ll help you take the guesswork out of young adult ministry with practical strategies to challenge common myths about today’s young adults, focus your creativity, connect courageously, and amplify your ministry.

Buy the book        Buy in Kindle

Personalized coaching with ministry experts

Expert coaching to set you up for a thriving young adult ministry—now.

You want to see your church impacting young adults’ lives, and you want to see young people impacting the life of your church.

Young Adult Ministry Now
Coaching Groups can help you lead a vibrant young adult ministry with confidence and clarity. We’ll connect you with exclusive insights from our groundbreaking research on ministry with young adults in collaboration with over 40 congregations over the past 5 years.

Best of all, you’ll get the support and encouragement you need to thrive.


Learn more about coaching

On-site consulting from start to finish

Young Adult Ministry Now Consulting

Let us help take the mystery out of young adult ministry. With insights from our latest, cutting-edge research, we’ll provide you customized workshops, presentations, and coaching to build, reimagine, and grow your ministry with young adults. 

Consulting packages are customized to your congregation’s unique needs.


Learn more about consulting




Caleb Roose

Still have questions about which resource is right for your ministry needs?

Contact Caleb Roose, FYI's Young Adult Ministry Now project manager to find the best fit for your ministry needs.

Contact Caleb

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