Become the compassionate, creative, and courageous leader your young people need.
Sticky Faith Innovation: How your Compassion, Creativity, and Courage can Support Teenagers' Lasting Faith
Young people have changed.
Their world has too.
Why should youth ministry stay the same?
This book is for every youth leader who knows that change is part of youth ministry. It’s for adults and mentors whose hearts both sing and break over young people. And it is for courageous pastors who will do whatever it takes to faithfully serve their teenagers.
That’s right, this book is for you.
Building on over a dozen years of research and working intensively with cohorts of more than 50 youth ministries and 100 youth leaders, we’ve developed a step-by-step innovation process that equips youth leaders to effectively serve teenagers’ changing lives and support their long-term faith. Sticky Faith Innovation will guide you time and time again as you propel your compassion, creativity, and courage toward cultivating a youth ministry that can respond to the changing needs of your young people.
Sticky Faith Innovation Group Coaching
Now, with Sticky Faith Innovation Group Coaching, your team can access our tried and tested innovation process with the support of a personalized coach. Plus, you’ll join a community of youth leaders who are transforming their ministries, just like you!
Get a personal guide with Sticky Faith Innovation Coaching
Our innovation coaches have worked intensively with more than 100 youth leaders to develop this step-by-step innovation process that equips youth leaders to effectively serve teenagers’ changing lives and support their long-term faith. We know you have the compassion, creativity, and courage you need to lead change in your ministry, and we’re ready to walk with you every step of the way. Purchase a personalized coaching package, and our FYI coaches will walk with you from start to finish.
Don't miss our brand new Sticky Faith Innovation Online Team Training
Teenagers are constantly changing, and so is the world around them. Our ministry approaches need to change with them.
Our 6-session, self-paced online training will guide you and your team as you compassionately listen to your young people, respond creatively with fresh ideas, and take courageous steps to implement a new, purposeful approach in your ministry.
What others are saying about Sticky Faith Innovation
“If ever there is a time when we need help with new ways to care for and encourage young people in their faith journey, it is now. From the deep dive into the latest research to broad-based applications, Sticky Faith Innovation is not a cookie-cutter quick fix, but offers a solid and proven way of taking teenagers’ faith and life seriously, and guiding you through a process to help you get there. You won’t find a more helpful or empowering book for your team.”
—Dr. Chap Clark, author, Sticky Faith and Hurt 2.0: Inside the World of Today’s Teenagers
“Fuller Youth Institute has done it again! Ministry leaders interested in the changing face of youth ministry will want to read this compelling, creative, and convicting guide on ways to invite youth and adults alike to rethink how they walk alongside teenagers exploring identity, belonging, and purpose. Grounded in solid research and deep learning, Sticky Faith Innovation introduces a process that beckons youth ministry leaders to innovate. This book offers new insights that help youth ministry leaders grow in compassion for our young people even as we ourselves are transformed by our relationship with them.”
—Dr. Sarah F. Farmer, co-author, Raising Hope: Four Pathways to Courageous Living for Black Youth; General Editor, Joy: A Guide for Youth Ministry
“With so much change in our world, we need leaders who are compassionate, creative, and courageous, willing to envision a preferred future with teenagers. Everyone who seeks to design that youth ministry vision needs a faithful and proven guide for the journey. Sticky Faith Innovation is that guide that can get you “from here to there.” “
—April L. Diaz, author, Redefining the Role of a Youth Worker
“Teenagers need youth leaders who are filled with compassion and empathy to understand the changing world they’re growing up in. And we youth leaders must, more than ever, tap into our creativity and courage to take big swings for our youth ministries to reach them. This is the book to set you on that journey. I’m in.”
—Josh Griffin, co-founder, Download Youth Ministry
About the authors

Steven Argue, PhD, is an associate professor of youth, family, and culture at Fuller Theological Seminary and the applied research strategist at the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI). He has taught undergraduate and graduate youth ministry courses for over a decade, worked in multiple ministry contexts including the lead pastoral team at Mars Hill Bible Church (Grand Rapids, MI), and serves on the board for the Association of Youth Ministry Educators. He researches, speaks, and writes regularly on topics surrounding adolescence, emerging adulthood, faith, and spiritual struggle. He has coauthored two books: Growing With: Every Parent’s Guide to Helping Teenagers and Young Adults Thrive in Their Faith, Family, and Future (Baker Books, 2019); and 18 Plus: Parenting Your Emerging Adults (Orange, 2018). Steve and his wife, Jen, live in Southern California and love being parents to Kara, Elise, and Lauren. Twitter: @stevenargue

Caleb Roose, MDiv, is a project manager at the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI), where he advises and facilitates FYI church trainings and research, coaches and consults with churches around the country, and develops resources. Caleb is passionate about helping young people wrestle with their faith and encouraging leaders to do the same. He has worked in a variety of ministry and professional roles, including volunteering in youth ministries, serving as an associate pastor of discipleship and administration, counseling at and running youth camps, ministering in six different countries with Youth With a Mission (YWAM), and managing an after-school program for kids. A Southern California native, Caleb lives 30 minutes from his childhood hometown with his wife, Colleen, and two young daughters, Lilah and Eliana. Twitter: @CalebRoose