Teenagers are constantly changing, and so is the world around them.
Our ministry approaches need to change with them. Sticky Faith Innovation equips your team to cultivate lasting faith in teenagers and adapt your ministry to their most pressing needs.
Our 6-session, self-paced online training will guide you and your team as you compassionately listen to your young people, respond creatively with fresh ideas, and take courageous steps to implement a new, purposeful approach in your ministry.
Through this step-by-step innovation process, you’ll:
1. Build an innovation team of leaders, volunteers, and teenagers
2. Empathize with and listen to teenagers to fuel your innovation
3. Interpret and make sense of young people’s lives and experiences
4. Expand your ministry imaginations beyond the norm
5. Narrow to your best ideas and discern the way forward as a team
6. Experiment and launch, to turn your best ideas into reality
Hosted by the Fuller Leadership Platform, this digital training course is packed with videos from FYI’s innovation experts.
Our research and insights will guide your team through each step of the innovation process. Throughout your journey, we’ll point you to the book so that your team can work on Sticky Faith Innovation’s practical exercises together.