4 ways to tap into the power of gratitude this season

Photo by Jakob Owens
I wish gratitude was my go-to state. I like people who are grateful.
Unfortunately, I have to work at it. My gifts tend toward “exhortation,” my strengths fall in the learning-teaching realm, and my enneagram type suggests that I’m often trying to reform the world around me. I see the gaps. I’m a realist. I don’t have time to lavish thanks on people when there are so many things to do next. (Yes, it can be exhausting to live and work with me!)
Since pausing to be grateful is not as natural for me, I’ve had to learn over the years that gratitude really matters.
Gratitude isn’t a nice-to-have extra; it’s an essential. Essential to relationships. Essential to faith. Essential to our wellbeing.
Tweet: Gratitude isn’t a nice-to-have extra; it’s essential to our relationships, faith, and wellbeing.
Positive psychologists tell us that research backs the power of gratitude in our lives. It increases happiness, lowers depressive mood, and even offers health benefits. A simple exercise like writing three things that went well at the end of each day can be transformative over time.
In short, gratitude helps us thrive.
The psalms overflow with expressions of gratitude to God, placing it squarely in the center of the worship life of God’s people. Gratitude inspires our praise, frames our requests, and follows lament as we emerge from painful experiences. Gratitude roots our trust as we remember all God has done and hope for what God will do.
Given all this, you’d think a season founded on giving thanks might be easy for people who follow Jesus. We have a rich story and layers of practices that feature gratitude. Nevertheless, sometimes we get so caught up in the to-do lists of this season that we find it hard to feel grateful.
If that’s you, here are four actions to open up this season for the gift it can be.
1. Reclaim the season
Maybe like me you just need to decide you’re going to practice gratitude and be intentional to do it. You might find these 8 ways to reclaim gratitude this season (4 for families, 4 for leaders) helpful!
2. Cultivate an abundance mindset
Most of us are well aware of the shadow story of scarcity, the constant reminder that there’s not enough. Whether we’re looking for more time, money, relationships, or students who show up at youth group, this “not enough” mindset undercuts our ability to receive the gifts in front of us. Read more about cultivating abundance in this post on finding enough in a world of scarcity.
3. Make space to reflect
Maybe you’re not a “gratitude journal” kind of person. You have trouble sitting down to list out your blessings every day. That’s okay. What’s important is that we each find some way to make room for regular reflection. You might find it helpful to practice a daily prayer of examen in this season of frantic movement. Or perhaps lighting a candle and using its light as a prompt for thanksgiving. Or maybe you could make intentional space at your dinner table to share one thing each person is grateful for each day through this season.
4. Be specific
Finally, specific reasons for gratitude are often more powerful than rushed or impersonal thank-yous. Make your thank-you notes or conversations more meaningful by being specific.
What are ways you’re cultivating gratitude this season?
Teach teens to pray with gratitude in their own words, in their own way

Help young people you know express their praise and affection, worries and concerns, and thankfulness to God. Praying with Gratitude and Joy is an easy-to-lead prayer journaling activity that equips and encourages your students to think deeply about what they’re thankful for, and form prayers of gratitude in their own words. Find it in our On-the-Go curriculum collection today.
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