Abigail Visco Rusert: Innovation that sparks faith in teenagers
Abigail Visco Rusert shares the surprising connection between joy and innovation, and explores the ways failure can help move us forward. Hosted by Giovanny Panginda and Dr. Steve Argue, coauthor of FYI’s latest book Sticky Faith Innovation, this episode explores faith formation, dusty file cabinets, and even Katy Perry’s “Left Shark.”
Episode 3 / Feb 18, 2021
Show Notes
Mentioned in this episode:
- Book: Sticky Faith Innovation by Dr. Steve Argue and Caleb Roose
- Book: Delighted: What Teenagers Are Teaching the Church about Joy by Kenda Creasy Dean, Wesley Ellis, Justin Forbes, and Abigail Visco Rusert
- Abigail Visco Rusert is the Director of The Institute For Youth Ministry (IYM)
- Photos of the Castles in Doylestown, Pennsylvania.
- Organizations Abigail mentioned related to innovation & collaboration: Rooted Good, Fearless Dialogues, Ministry Incubators
- Empathy mapping exercise On ideo.com
- And of course: Katy Perry’s Left Shark Meme
Related FYI resources:
Blog Post by Steve Argue: Looking back to look forward