Watch our online training event and we’ll equip you with quality, research-based tips and tools from FYI experts on recruiting, training, and retaining youth ministry volunteers for discipleship impact. In just half a day, you’ll learn to:
- Recruit volunteers for your ministry by casting vision and creating connections between your church’s gifts and your young people’s needs.
- Train your volunteers by energizing, equipping, and empowering them to nurture faith that lasts.
- Retain your volunteers by building up their confidence, boosting their skills for effective discipleship, and celebrating their wins.
This 4-hour training features keynote sessions with Dr. Kara Powell, author of Faith Beyond Youth Group, and Dr. Chuck Hunt, ministry consultant and leader with over 30 years of experience. You’ll also attend breakouts with ministry experts and choose from practical topics such as Recruiting and Onboarding New Volunteers, Helping Leaders Understand Today's Young People, Equipping Volunteers to Foster Positive Mental Health for Teens, and Helping Small Group Leaders Welcome Hard Questions.
Get quality training you can trust—with no travel required! When you register, you’ll receive:
- 4 hours of interactive online training
- Downloadable workbook, plus slides from select workshops
- Recorded workshops so you don’t miss anything
- FREE Faith Beyond Youth Group Compass volunteer training guide
By the end of our training event, you’ll be ready to equip your volunteer team for effective teen discipleship.
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Kara Powell
Kara Powell, PhD, is the Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI), the founder of the TENx10 Collaboration, and the Chief of Leadership of Leadership Formation at Fuller Theological Seminary. Named by Christianity Today as one of “50 Women to Watch,” Kara speaks regularly at national parenting and leadership conferences, and is the author or co-author of a number of books including Faith Beyond Youth Group, 3 Big Questions that Change Every Teenager, Faith in an Anxious World, Growing With, Growing Young, The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family, Sticky Faith Curriculum, Can I Ask That?, Deep Justice Journeys, Essential Leadership, Deep Justice in a Broken World, Deep Ministry in a Shallow World, and the Good Sex Youth Ministry Curriculum.
Dr. Chuck Hunt
Rev. Charles (Chuck) Hunt, DMin, is the Senior Director of Training and DEI at FYI and has been ministering to adolescents, young adults, and their families for more than 30 years. He has a proven record of building teams in the church and fostering partnerships with organizations in the community. Through both his career and lived experience, Chuck has an ability to connect with individuals from diverse cultural, spiritual, and economic backgrounds. He lives with his wife Shannon and their young adult daughter Rhyen, in Southern California. Though cleverly disguised as a responsible adult, Chuck still runs, surfs, mountain bikes, and skateboards.
Breakout Sessions
Equipping Your Volunteers to Foster Positive Mental Health
with Aaron Rosales and Chuck Hunt
A healthy community can play a key role in fostering positive mental health in young people. This breakout will empower you to foster a mental-health friendly team of adults who can respond to the young people in your care. We’ll offer an important paradigm shift in how we think about mental health. Then, we’ll consider positive Christ-centered practices that can convey the transformative hope of the gospel to teenagers who are struggling with their mental health.
Packing for Their Journey: Knowing the Terrain and Tools You Need for Discipleship
with Roslyn Hernández and Zach Ellis
Your volunteers are committed to young people’s discipleship! But it can be difficult to know how to disciple when we don’t understand what our young people are experiencing. This workshop will deepen your insight into the challenges young people face today and equip you to help volunteers understand and walk alongside young people through life’s ups and downs.
Discover, Develop, Deploy: Tips to Recruit and Onboard New Volunteers
with Kristel Acevedo
Learn effective strategies to identify, inspire, and engage potential volunteers who are passionate about making a difference. Discover practical tips on creating a welcoming onboarding process that equips volunteers with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in their roles. Leave with a renewed vision and actionable steps to strengthen your youth ministry team that is ready to disciple today’s young people.
Leading Small Groups: Helping Your Volunteers Welcome the Hard Questions
with Brad Griffin and Rachel Dodd
Volunteer small group leaders hear all the questions but might not feel like they have all the answers. The great news is that effective leaders make space for questions and learn to see the process as the point. In this workshop we’ll share four skills to set your small group leaders up for success by cultivating safe space, listening well, asking good questions, and handling hard questions with confidence and care.