Discipleship that Forms Christlike Character
As youth leaders, we all want to disciple our students to be more Christ-like but resources on discipling for character development are scarce. This season, we explore Christ-like characteristics and youth ministry activities that can help you support your students’ spiritual formation as they become more like Christ. Jen Bradbury shares highlights from FYI’s Character and Virtue Development project and what we’ve learned about how we can help our students develop Christ-like characteristics like humility, hope, love, perseverance, forgiveness, and compassion.
Episode 1 / Feb 22, 2023
Show Notes
Mentioned in this episode:
Book: The Jesus Gap: What Teens Actually Believe About Jesus
Book: Called: A Novel About Youth Ministry Transition
Blog: 5 ways you can nurture faith that goes beyond youth group
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Related FYI resources:
Blog: Models matter: Key insights on character-forming discipleship with teenagers
Blog: Testimonios: The power of faith stories shared in community