Matthew Deprez
Matthew Deprez is currently on staff at Generations Church, one of the fastest-growing churches in Colorado. Prior to that, he was on staff at the Fuller Youth Institute, where he helped resource, equip, and train thousands of church leaders. Holding a Master’s Degree in Family Ministry, Matthew regularly speaks at national conferences on a variety of topics, including his research on how grandparents shape faith formation in grandchildren. He has 15+ years of pastoral ministry experience as an ordained minister in the Wesleyan Church and is the author or coauthor of multiple books. Matthew lives in Evans, Colorado with his wife, Megan, and they have two sons, Isaiah and Silas.
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Matthew Deprez | May 24, 2019
Getting unstuck: 5 simple steps to make your leadership more effective

Matthew Deprez | Mar 15, 2018
Your voice matters to young people, no matter your age. Here’s why.