Growing Young Workshops
Increase the impact of your ministry to reach and disciple young people through research-based strategies
Raleigh, NC | Los Angeles, CA | Houston, TX | Seattle, WA | South Florida

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Reach Young People | Learn from Ministry Experts | Build a Strategy for Lasting Change
“This workshop was like reading a book and being able to raise your hand, ask a question, and dialog with the book. There is great information offered while reviving creativity and passion for ministry to people of all ages.”
—Growing Young Workshop Participant
“A training worth doing — for you and those to whom you minister.”
Imagine a church with energy and excitement.
Teenagers are excited about coming to worship services and have relationships with people of all ages. Young people throughout the community know that this church is a warm community where they are welcome. Young adults are eager to serve and given leadership opportunities. Older adults understand the realities of being a young person in today’s world and empathetically listen to young people. Children are being mentored and taught by teenagers and young adults. This church has a bright future.
Sign up for a Growing Young workshop in your city and let us help your ministry build a brighter future for people of all generations.
What's included in a Growing Young Workshop?
- 2–day workshop where you’ll develop a plan to help you take strategic next steps in the Growing Young journey immediately after the workshop.
- Access to the Growing Young TEAM Assessment, which will illuminate areas for growth and guide your next steps ($100 value).
- 6 Growing Young Essentials, a fully digital course, that will help you integrate each of the 6 core commitments into your ministry ($125 value).
- Downloadable Growing Young Video Curriculum to help implement your Growing Young Vision ($99 value).
- Interactive peer learning from other like-minded leaders.

What is Growing Young, and how can it help my ministry reach young people??
If your church is like so many others in the US, you’re dedicated to leading and developing followers of Jesus of all ages. But something’s missing. Young people. Twenty somethings. Teenagers. Maybe they’re not completely absent, but there sure aren’t as many as you’d like to see.
If your church seems to be aging every year, you’re not alone. You’re actually part of an overwhelming trend.
While 18-29 year olds make up 17% of our overall population, they constitute only 10% of churchgoers. In fact, many churches across the United States are shrinking and aging overall, and even closing their doors. The stats are sobering.
There’s good news for churches across the nation.
We’ve studied over 250 of the nation’s leading congregations, developing groundbreaking research from intentional, healthy churches that are growing—spiritually, emotionally, missionally, and even numerically— and are filled with the passion of young people who are involved across a variety of ministries.
Churches with energy and excitement, where teenagers are excited about coming to worship services and have relationships with people of all ages. Young people throughout the community know that this church is a warm community where they are welcome. Young adults are eager to serve and contribute regularly to important church-wide decisions. Older adults understand the realities of being a young person in today’s world and empathetically listen to young people. Children are being mentored and taught by teenagers and young adults. This church has a bright future.
What are people saying about Growing Young training?
All churches grow old.
But strategic churches are Growing Young.
Six core commitments of Growing Young church
Over the past decade, the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) has taken our groundbreaking research from Growing Young and journeyed with hundreds of diverse congregations to help them grow young in their context. We have helped these congregations engage younger generations in ways that breathe life and vitality into the whole church through six essential strategies.
Unlock keychain leadership: Instead of centralizing authority, empower others—especially young people.
Empathize with today’s young people: Instead of judging or criticizing, step into the shoes of this generation.
Take Jesus’ message seriously: Instead of asserting formulaic gospel claims, welcome young people into a Jesus-centered way of life.
Fuel a warm community: Instead of focusing on cool worship or programs, aim for warm peer and intergenerational friendships.
Prioritize young people (and families) everywhere: Instead of giving lip service to how much young people matter, look for creative ways to tangibly support, resource, and involve them in all facets of your congregation.
Be the best neighbors: Instead of condemning the world outside your walls, enable young people to neighbor well locally and globally.