Natalie and Jazzy's Story

"People are not projects."

Natalie and Jazzy are two ordinary people with an extraordinary story of empathy and connection. The Fuller Youth Institute team met them through our multi-year Growing Young project, during which we studied hundreds of churches that were thriving with young people.

We believe Natalie and Jazzy’s friendship demonstrates what’s possible in churches like yours. What’s more, it also reveals what you don’t need in order to involve and engage young people in Spirit-led ways.

We hope their story encourages you as your community seeks to grow young. Watch the video below. Then take a next step to make the church the best place for young people to grow.

Start engaging young people.

How to talk to ANY young person: an intergenerational conversation toolkit

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Growing Young: Six essential strategies to help young people discover and love your church

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What twenty-somethings need from us more than (almost) anything else

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Already, but not yet: Living in the tension with young people

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