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Future-Focused Church

Future-Focused Church

Future-Focused Church

Messages & Quotes

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"The best days of the church are ahead."
—Future-Focused Church

"What if your church isn’t merely in the midst of a decline? What if it’s in an era of reimagining and renewal?"
—Future-Focused Church

"Leading a church through change isn’t about guesswork—it’s about taking intentional steps forward."
—Future-Focused Church

The best days of your ministry are ahead

Whether you’re passionate about helping young people nurture faith that lasts beyond youth group, partnering with parents, or creating a space that nurtures identity, belonging, and purpose, Future-Focused Church provides the strategies you need to connect and cast a shared vision with your church leadership. Packed with practical insights on leading effective church change, you’ll learn to work with your church and craft a roadmap to grow thriving, sustainable ministry in a rapidly changing world.

Gain a clear vision for the future of your church

Leading the church forward shouldn’t leave congregations disconnected from their past, disengaged from their present, or disillusioned about the future. Future-Focused Church is a research-driven, reliable companion as you lead your church to prioritize and empathize with young people, model the ethnic and cultural diversity of God’s kingdom, and tangibly love your neighbors. Transform your congregation into a group of Jesus followers who seek God’s direction together.

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