LABS SoCAL Summit 2

1.) Zoom video recordings for Summit 2:

Day 1A - Opening Session:
Living a Better Story in the Midst of a Pandemic


Day 1B - Large Group Framing & Church Team Meeting Instruction:
Synthesizing Teenagers’ Pre/Current COVID-19 Narratives
A part of the Theological Reflection (Luke 24) & Closing


Day 2A - Opening Session:
Instructions to fill out page 8 chart, Column 4


Day 2B - Large Group Framing :
Discerning a Jesus-Centered COVID-19 Response
Large Group Closing Session: Next Steps

2) Homework assignments:

   a) Listening Project Summary (Due date was 4/15)

   b) Current Narrative and Jesus-Centered Narrative Chart (page 7 in Summit 2 Packet) (Due 5/8)

   c) Discerning a Jesus-Centered COVID-19 Response (pages 8-9 in Summit 2 Packet) (Due  5/8)


3) Here are the articles that we mentioned during the LABS Summit 2

   a) Leading Beyond the Blizzard Andy Crouch article #1 

   b) The Year Without a Summer Andy Crouch article #2

   c) Can Social Distancing Reinvent Youth Ministry? Kara's article

   d) Brene Brown's List of Core Emotions


4) LABS Summit 2 Packet

Summit 2 Packet

Additional Resources

Bonus Webinar 8/27/20

This webinar features Kara Powell (FYI's Executive Director) interviewing panelists on how they see the ministry landscape this fall and how their church or organization is responding. Our world-class group of panelists include: Kristen Ivy (Orange), Vince Parker (Life.Church), Christina Lamas (National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry), and Tommy Nixon (Urban Youth Workers Institute).



Webinar 10/01/2020 Insights from Mapping Your Current Ministry Model Doc.

Jake interviews 2 point leaders to walk us through their mapping doc and highlight "aha moments" and places that could use more work. This is a broad overview of the current mapping doc to help all of the churches finish it well in time for Summit 3.

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