Image of Caleb Roose, MDiv

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Caleb Roose, MDiv

Caleb Roose is a project manager at the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI), where he advises and facilitates FYI church trainings and research, coaches and consults with churches around the country, and develops resources. The coauthor of two FYI resources (i.e., Sticky Faith Innovation: How Your Compassion, Creativity, and Courage Can Support Teenagers' Lasting Faith and Who Do You Say I Am?: 6 Session High School Curriculum Exploring Identity, Ethnicity, Race, Community, and Faith), Caleb is passionate about human-centered design, holistic discipleship, and fatherhood. Caleb has worked in a variety of ministry and professional roles, including volunteering in youth ministries, serving as an associate pastor of discipleship and administration, counseling at and running youth camps, ministering in six different countries with Youth With a Mission (YWAM), and managing an after-school program for kids. A Southern California native, Caleb lives with his wife and three young children near Pasadena, CA.

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